Rising Tide's Crown Jewel NA NAJ TKN, SSB
Call Name: Sabrina
DOB: 5/22/2022
Litter: The National Parks Litter
Owner: Stephanie De Mello
Breed: Border Collie
Color: Black & White (Carries Red)
Coat: medium rough
Sex: Female
Height: 18.5"
Weight: 32#
CEA/CH: clear
TNS: clear
CL: clear
IGS: clear
DM: clear
MDR1: clear
SN: clear
PLL: clear
BCG: clear
EAOD: clear
OFA Hips: pending
OFA Elbows: pending
OFA Shoulders: pending


Sabrina is a dog that we’ve been waiting for a long time. Sabrina has already shown lots of promise for her future in sports. She loves to tug and will tug with humans and other dogs. She loved chasing discs from a young age. She has the energy to keep working but has a great off switch at home. She’s a great traveler and does well in her car crate. She is sweet and fiery. She is cuddly, and independent. She is friendly and inquisitive. She loves to watch the world and has a confident spark in her eye and a spicy edge to her personality.
She has a love for people in general but she’s extra sweet with those that she knows. She loves to bully her siblings and to entertain herself with pieces of plastic, whether that is discs or trash. Sabrina has also been excelling at her training in sports, she is so gifted and such a natural, I’m continuously blown away with how easy it all comes to her.
Sabrina has been primarily training in agility and debuted in UKI agility (FEO) in August 2023. Since then, she has trialed in AKC, USDAA, and ISC. She has shown great skills and promise already with the training she has. She has done multiple seminars to advance our skills and is focusing on international agility. At 18 months old, she is completing international style courses. She has a lovely jumping style and is a natural when it comes to navigating and following handling. She’s learning all the skills to be able to handle international type courses. Goals for 2024 include going to the UKI Canadian Open, the UKI West Coast Open, and qualifying to go to the European Open Team Try Outs in December.
In April of 2024, Sabrina got her first UKI Q's in Speedstakes with a 1st, 2nd, and a 3rd. At this same trial, Sabrina received her first agility title, SSB!
Sabrina has started training in herding as well. She showed good instinct and was keen on the sheep. She was observed to respond well to pressure. She will continue to train with the goal being to eventually trial.
Among that, Sabrina has some foundations in scent work and dock diving and we hope to dabble in that as well!
August 2023: Agility Debut!
SSB: April 2024
NAJ: August 2024
NA: February 2025

Trick Dog
TKN: Oct 2022

In Training

Sabrina | Arya x Jagger 2022 | Owner: Stephanie De Mello
Sabrina | Arya x Jagger 2022 | Owner: Stephanie De Mello

Sabrina WCO 2024 Highlights Reel

Sabrina Novice Agility Jumpers

Sabrina | Running For Summer Cup 2024 *Highlights*

Sabrina T2B FEO